Bio Contamination Training

Great for Bio Hazard training, radiation training, hazmat & bio hazard clean-up training, sanitation and more.  NON TOXIC and safe.

Invisible germ contamination simulation powders and Invisible dyes are easy to use and very effective when exposed to UV lighting.

This is a non-toxic, cornstarch-based UV reactive powder designed to produce a magnificent glow under black-light. The Powder...
Ultraviolet Detection Powder is designed for thief detection and the identification of stolen or altered items. An article...
This is a non-toxic, cornstarch-based UV reactive powder designed to produce a magnificent glow under black-light. The Powder...
GLO Effex UV Reactive Water Dye is a concentrated UV reactive water dye used to create dramatic water lighting...
$ 145.00 USD
$ 22.99 USD
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$ 14.99 USD
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$ 11.99 USD